Evermotion render contest

Evermotion render contest

Tue 07 April 2009

For de av dere som ikke kan få nok av konkurranser. Evermotion.org har nå en pågående konkurranse hvor de gir vekk diverse fete premier. Fristen for å levere bidrag er 31 mai 2009.

PS! Denne resterende teksten er hentet fra: http://www.evermotion.org/?unfold_exclusive=323&unfold=exclusive

Welcome to the Evermotion rendering competition. Your goal is to create an exterior scene based on the building model that you can download below. You can use any render and 3D software that you want, you can add objects, lights etc... just make it look better then good.

Evermotion rendering competition


First prize
Nvidia quadro FX 1700
Vray advanced for 3dsmax
Randomcontrol Fryrender
Vray the complete guide book

Second prize
Vray the complete guide book
3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator

Third Prize
Three Books
2008 Beginner to Intermediate
2009 Intermediate to Advanced
2010 Advanced to Expert

Rules & Guidelines:
The attached 3D building must be a part and the main object of the scene
the camera angle, lightning, materials enviroment is your choice
You can use any 3D or rendering software of your choice
Late entries will be disqualified, so try to get your entry in on time!
The deadline for this competition is the 31th of may midnight central europe time
The minimum resolution for the shortest side of your final render should be at least 1000 pixels
Multiple entries are allowed (diferent camera angles for example), but only one is allowed for jury voting which you can pick yourself, teams are not allowed
Work In Progress renders are required, at least a few to proof that you made the scene yourself showing progress along the way
you can use premade models for the enviroment like trees, bushes, furnitures etc.
Staff members are allowed to enter but cannot win any of the prizes
Postprocessing using photoshop is not allowed (eg. photoshop filters) try to keep most of your 3d render. You can use postprocessing if it is a part of render software,like curves inside Vray for example
Use your own username or real name as the thread title of your entry
the 3D scenes of the winners will be avaialble to download for free from evermotion site
it is not allowed to use evermotion models or any other models that are licenced