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  1. A take on the security news, week 51

    Tue 16 December 2014

    A take on the security news, week 51 / 2014. I summarize some of the news that I considered noteworthy related to information security this week.

    Docker security update, FreeBSD buffer overflow vulnerability, 10.000+ Wordpress sites infected,

    and more to come...

    Tagged as : security
  2. A take on the security news, week 49

    Wed 10 December 2014

    A take on the security news, week 49 / 2014. I summarize some of the news that I considered noteworthy related to information security this week.

    Firefox disables SSL3, OpenVPN DoS vulnerability, Scanners lost in translation, Google rolls out new CAPTCHA and Apple Safari update.

  3. A take on the security news, week 48

    Wed 26 November 2014

    A take on the security news, week 48 / 2014. I summarize some of the news that I considered noteworthy related to information security this week.

    Spearfishing works, Kaspersky Q3 report, Adobe Flash update, Sony pictures hacked and Twitter wants to know about all your installed apps.

  4. Get started with Fail2Ban

    Sun 23 November 2014

    Get started with Fail2Ban on Centos 7. When you are done reading this article you will have the software installed, and a configuration that helps preventing bruteforce attacks on your ssh port.

    Tagged as : preview
  5. A take on the security news, week 39

    Sat 27 September 2014

    A take on the security news, week 39 / 2014. I summarize some of the news that I considered noteworthy related to information security this week.

    Tagged as : security
  6. Leking med modsecurity

    Mon 04 August 2014

    I denne posten skriver jeg kort om hva mod_security er og hvordan du installerer det på din Centos server. Jeg vil også vise noen enkle regelsett du kan bruke for å komme igang, samt noen referanser til videre lesestoff og videoer.

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