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  1. A take on the security news, week 39 2015

    Tue 22 September 2015

    A take on the security news, week 39 / 2015. I summarize some of the news that I considered noteworthy related to information security this week.
    XcodeGhost infects iOS and OSX applications, 1M bounty for iOS9 hacks, Firefox update, vulnarbilities in Kaspersky and use SIRI to buypass the passcode on your Apple device.

    Tagged as : security
  2. A take on the security news, week 36 2015

    Tue 01 September 2015

    A take on the security news, week 36 / 2015. I summarize some of the news that I considered noteworthy related to information security this week.
    Vulnerable babymonitors, Yosemite and Linux hardening guides, Microsoft tracking users, iOS malware, OSX malware and browers soon to end support for RC4

  3. A take on the security news, week 35 2015

    Mon 24 August 2015

    A take on the security news, week 35 / 2015. I summarize some of the news that I considered noteworthy related to information security this week.
    Predictable Android lockpattern, an enterprise iOS vulnerability, create javacsript exploits with minify and a critical Firefox update

  4. A take on the security news, week 34 2015

    Mon 17 August 2015

    A take on the security news, week 34 / 2015. I summarize some of the news that I considered noteworthy related to information security this week.
    SSL Malvertising, Kaspersky Gate, SMB relay attack on Windows 10, Android vulnerabilities, OwnCloud analyzed and a couple of new DDoS reflector vectors.

  5. Rest API

    Sun 24 May 2015

    Some notes from a video I watched on youtube.

    Tagged as : rest api
  6. Migrating from Dynamic To Static

    Sat 16 May 2015

    Finally! My site is now transferred to a new platform. In this article I will outline my motivations, the process and what problems I stumbled into.

    Tagged as : joomla pelican
  7. A take on the security news, week 12 2015

    Wed 18 March 2015

    A take on the security news, week 12 / 2015. I summarize some of the news that I considered noteworthy related to information security this week.
    Yahoo end-to-end email encryption and one-time passwords, The risks of SSL interception, Fake SSL for domain and Hardware assisted iOS screenlock cracking.

  8. A take on the security news, week 11 2015

    Sun 15 March 2015

    A take on the security news, week 11 / 2015. I summarize some of the news that I considered noteworthy related to information security this week.
    Cryptowall leverage .chm files, uTorrent install unwanted software, Apple security updates, Microsoft patch tuesday, GnuPG hires second developer and a remote exploitable Android Dropbox SDK.

  9. A take on the security news, week 09 2015

    Fri 27 February 2015

    A take on the security news, week 09 / 2015. I summarize some of the news that I considered noteworthy related to information security this week.
    More Superfish news, RC4 removed from TLS, Samba vulnerability, Lenovo domain hijacked and Firefox 36 with full support for HTTP2.

    Tagged as : security
  10. A take on the security news, week 07 2015

    Mon 09 February 2015

    A take on the security news, week 07 / 2015. I summarize some of the news that I considered noteworthy related to information security this week.
    Online Windows binary file analyzer, Apple blocks Flash again, Honeyhashing, PCI deprecates SSL, MS Patch tuesday and a unsecure weatherstation.

  11. A take on the security news, week 03 / 2015

    Thu 15 January 2015

    A take on the security news, week 03 / 2015. I summarize some of the news that I considered noteworthy related to information security this week.

    USB Attack library, Microsoft and Adobe patch tuesday, Search Github for sensitive information, Use powershell to create malicious excel spreadsheets and a critical ASUS router vulnerability.

  12. Create curl precompiled binaries with Macports

    Sat 10 January 2015

    After the upgrade to osx109 some of the features I used with curl suddenly stopped working. My options was deprecated somehow, so how should a case like this be handled?

    You roll your own version of course. Configured and compiled from scratch with the options you need.

    Tagged as : various

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