Snøhetta nettside på "The cream of the web crop"

Snøhetta nettside på "The cream of the web crop"

Tue 05 August 2008

Vi gratulerer snøhetta og bleed med å bli innlemmet i

It’s hard to know whether this URL captivates you for the site design or merely the jaw-dropping architectural achievements. The buildings are amazing, beyond belief in the case of London’s Serpentine Pavilion, and it’s to the credit of the overall design that shots of these projects arSnøhetta nettsidee given full-screen spreads.

A library of photos then pretty much form a slide-show background on which all the interactions and meaningful activity takes place.

Menus or buttons are kept to a minimum and tend to hover conspicuously over the imagery until we reach the tree-like project selection screen. Photos can then be perused according to category or location, and the hierarchical component used here is a minor joy to behold – if for nothing more than its elastic effect. Another favourite is the company employees page where the myriad of portrait pictures clutter together rather stylishly, or the quick response search bar where keyword matches are stacked up as you type.

Above all, however, Snohetta serves as a reminder that websites can stand next to such artful statements and complement the experience in ways that other media cannot match.